Clean energy and efficient buildings
Pursue 100% carbon-free, reliable and affordable electrical power and heat sources through policies, investments and partnerships.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in buildings by promoting conservation and efficiency. Reduce emissions from construction by promoting lower-carbon design, material re-use and alternative fuels.
Invest in infrastructure that supports living-wage jobs and careers and clean energy and contribute to a more stable climate.
Convert systems that use fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy sources in county buildings?Invest in infrastructure updates that reduce emissions and increase energy efficiency in county-owned buildings.
Convert systems that use fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy sources in county buildings?
Expand training for county facilities managers on best practices for reducing energy use.
Create renewable energy guidelines for county-owned buildings.
Explore options for an internal county financial energy reduction incentive encourage and expand department-based reductions in energy use, including facilities and transportation energy.
Goal 2: Increase ability of county-owned and county-funded buildings to withstand the impacts of climate change.
Evaluate reuse/recovery of wasted thermal energy to heat and cool existing buildings.
Adopt requirements based on best management practices for reducing energy use for county programs that invest in new or rehabbed buildings.
Encourage developers of new county-owned or county-funded housing construction and rehabilitation to plan for resiliency/adaptation (e.g., electrification, waterproofing, raising mechanical devices, and coordinating with energy improvements, installing passive cooling building and landscape features), while increasing affordability and maintaining urban density.
Research options for lowering energy burden through design criteria for affordable housing.
Adapt energy goals for county-owned buildings utilizing real-time monitoring of building energy consumption and recommend strategies to reduce energy use.
Goal 3: Provide resources to residents on alternative energy and energy efficiency options.
Identify opportunities to consolidate and streamline programs providing energy assistance, weatherization, and utility efficiency. Make them easier to access, navigate and scale up in multifamily and single-family buildings. Develop strategies for renters and homeowners - especially in multi-family housing upgrades and for underrecognized and climate vulnerable communities.
Share clear guidance on alternative energy resources for Ramsey County cities to share with residents.
Develop policies and support community-based organizations to ensure efficient and functional heating/cooling is provided to tenants.
Research options for financially supporting underrepresented and climate-vulnerable residents to save money by using alternative energy at home.
Goal 4: Design and build climate-smart new buildings.
Adopt standards for incorporating climate resiliency into design and construction for county development projects.
Support and promote adaptive reuse of existing buildings to reduce construction waste and carbon emissions.
Create a policy around electric vehicle readiness in county facilities.
Support recycling of construction waste that cannot be reused in the construction market. Investing in the development and expansion of recycling markets for building materials.
Promote the use of low-carbon and reused and recycled construction materials in new building designs.
Expand deconstruction and reuse of construction materials where demolition cannot be avoided.
Cross-plan connections
Connections to clean transportation: Energy sources for transportation impact county wide greenhouse gas emissions.
Connections to climate-smart natural lands: Climate-smart design and construction include stormwater and sustainable land management.
Connections to thriving communities: Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable improvements to buildings will increase community resilience.
Connections to healthy lives: Climate-smart design and construction benefits physical and mental health through environmental health protections and improved indoor air quality.
Connections to clean economy: Sustainable infrastructure development can create living-wage careers and alternative energy sources can lower energy burden for low-income families.