Recycling & Waste

Landline Phone


The following information is for landline phones only. See cell phone/tablet for information on mobile device disposal.

Legal Considerations

If your landline phone contains a rechargeable battery and/or circuit board, it is illegal to place it in the trash.


Consider these recycling options:

  • Ramsey County is partnering with Repowered (formerly Tech Dump) to offer free electronics recycling to Ramsey County residents at Repowered's Saint Paul location. Learn more. 
  • City clean up events (City clean-up events generally provide electronic waste disposal at a reduced cost.)
  • Washington County's Environmental Center (Ramsey County residents can use this center for free.)
  • Bring landline phones to a recycling company below. Call to verify items accepted, hours and fees.

Recycle Companies

Best Buy
1643 County Road B2 W
Roseville, Minnesota, 55113
Repowered (formerly Tech Dump)
860 Vandalia Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55114
The Retrofit Companies
2960 Yorkton Boulevard
Little Canada, Minnesota, 55117