Opioid Response Community Grants

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Header for community innovation grants.

Applications for this grant program are closed. 

Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health (SPRCPH) is investing up to $1,000,000 in community-led organizations whose work addresses one of the Opioid Response Initiative priority areas:

  • Pregnant people, parents and babies.
  • Culturally-specific approaches for treatment and recovery.
  • Health education, awareness and outreach focused on prevention.
  • Treatment and support for people involved in the justice system.
  • Education and engagement with young people.

The application for Opioid Response Community Grants program was open Jan. 31 – March 18. Grant funding comes from the opioid settlement as a part of the Opioid Response Initiative.


Priority areas


Applications are closed.

Each organization that applied for the grant may choose one priority area on their application. Applicants cannot submit more than one application or choose more than one priority area for their work. Contact Karen Bollinger with any questions.

Information Sessions

Two virtual information sessions were held about the application and grant process. Access a video recording of the meeting.

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Evaluation and scoring criteria

Applicants must choose one priority for their proposal. Applications will be evaluated based on the following:

Criteria Max point value
Overall program and services work plan
Mission, vision and values 10
Organizational capacity 10
Collaboration and coordination 10
Work plan 20
Alignment with grant criteria and expectations
Target populations 15
Racial and health equity 15
Consistency with proposed workplan 20
Total possible points

Our Commitments

Applications will be evaluated on their alignment with the SPRCPH Opioid Response Initiative's commitments:

  • We aim to connect with and gain the trust of our most affected communities, especially Black and American Indian residents. We use proven methods to show our commitment and work together to share responsibility.
  • We consider relevant data when making decisions to ensure that our work benefits communities, saves lives and makes people healthier.
  • We want to teach, involve and inform everyone in the county about the opioid crisis we are facing in this community. Increased awareness will make it easier to find help and influence the choices younger generations make about drugs.

Reporting requirements

Use the Sample Output and Outcome Measures for Grants (PDF) made by Minnesota Management and Budget as a reference for preparing your work plan and application.

Access the Data Report (PDF) for an example of the forms and information that awarded grantees are required to submit.

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Milestone Date Location

Grant application opens.

Jan. 31


Information Session

Feb. 5

View the recording.

Information Session

Feb. 6


Questions about the grant or application process must be sent by this date.

Feb. 12


Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) posted.

Feb. 15

Opioid Response Community Grants FAQ

Application deadline.

March 18

11:59 p.m. 

Application review sessions.

March 19 – April 12


Notice to applicants.

Week of April 15


Contracts are in place and work begins.
