Pay Property Tax

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Property taxes are paid in two installments per year, either through escrow from your mortgage provider, or directly by the taxpayer. If you have an escrow account with your mortgage provider, no action is required. If you are unsure, please contact your mortgage provider. 

Property tax payments will be accepted via U.S. mail, at secure form drop-off locations and electronically. Options for making a direct payment:

Subscribe to payment reminder emails

Due dates

If a payment date falls on a weekend, the payment is due the next business day.

Scroll table right to see more
Type Due date

Real property tax payment
(first half, or all if tax is $100 or less)*

May 15
Leased government-owned personal property tax (first half, or all if total is $50 or less) May 15
Personal property tax payment, other than leased
government-owned (total amount due)
May 15
Agricultural tax payment
(first half, or all if tax is $100 or less)*
May 15
Manufactured homes tax payment
(first half, or all if tax is $50 or less)*
Sep. 2
Real property tax payment
(second half)
Oct. 15
Leased government-owned personal property tax payment
(second half)
Oct. 15
Agricultural tax payment
(second half)
Oct. 15
Manufactured homes tax payment
(second half)
Nov. 17

*Total annual tax of $100 or less for real property and $50 or less for personal property or manufactured homes must be paid in full by the first installment due date to avoid penalty.


If any due date falls on a weekend, the taxes are due the next business day.  Payments that do not meet these deadlines are subject to penalties. 

The full amount of the installment must be received by the due date to avoid penalty charges. Penalty charges begin to accrue on unpaid balances the day after the due date, and continue to accrue until the tax is paid in full or until the tax becomes delinquent.

Late payments are applied to penalty charges first, then to taxes.

If your tax is $100 or less for real property or $50 or less for personal property or manufactured homes, it must be paid in full by the first installment date to avoid penalty.

If you pay your first half and/or your second half of property tax after the due dates, a penalty will be added to your tax. If you own multiple properties, check to make sure you have a statement for each property.

Partial payments can be made on tax installments.

One-time property tax penalty waiver

Ramsey County property owners may request a waiver to avoid paying a penalty for a late property tax payment.

  • Owners may request one penalty waiver per parcel once every 10 years.
  • The waiver may apply to either the first-half OR second-half payment, not both.
    • Completed first-half waiver requests must be received between May 16 and October 15.   
    • Completed second-half waiver requests must be received between October 16 and December 20.
  • To submit a waiver request, simply complete and sign the form below along with your payment and postmark it or drop it off by the deadline.

Ramsey County One-Time Property Tax Penalty Waiver Form

Waivers will not be granted if:

  • The original payment was not honored by the financial institution.
  • The parcel has delinquent taxes owed or a confession of judgment contract upon it.
  • The owner has already used the waiver for property taxes on the parcel in the last 10 years.

Abatement requests due to exceptional hardship

Property owners have the right to request a property tax abatement to Ramsey County’s Auditor/Treasurer.

The request may apply to penalties, interest and/or costs. The request may be made whether or not the one-time waiver (see above) has been used on a parcel.

All requests will be reviewed. Generally, abatement requests are granted only in instances of exceptional hardship – such as hospitalization or other medical emergencies directly affecting the taxpayer.

Call 651-266-2222 (8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday) to request an abatement. Please know that if an abatement is not granted, Property Tax Services will work with property owners to provide information on all available forms of tax relief available, including developing partial payment schedules.