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Homestead is a classification of property that is occupied by an owner or relative of the owner, and is used as a primary place of residence. The State of Minnesota maintains the homestead program for residents who own and occupy their home or have a qualifying relative who occupies the home called the Homestead Market Value Exclusion. This program has two benefits for qualifying homeowners:

  1. It reduces the taxable market value of the property (for properties valued under $517,200 only), which in turn may lower taxes.
  2. It is one of the qualifying factors for homeowners to receive the State of Minnesota Property Tax Refund.

Special homestead programs

Homestead qualification change

Due to a new legislative change, owners or qualifying relatives of owners can now file for homestead using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

This new law allows ITIN to be used instead of social security number to file for homestead. If you have not filed for homestead in the past, you may now qualify. 

Please call our office at 651-266-2040 or email [email protected] for further information. The time to file is now until Dec. 31, 2025. 

Due dates

Scroll table right to see more
Type Date
Manufactured home homestead applications due May 29
Homestead abatement applications due July 1
Last day to apply for the homestead program for persons who are blind or have a disability Oct. 1
Last day to own and occupy to homestead for current assessment year Dec. 31
Last day to apply for residential and agricultural homestead Dec. 31
Last day to apply for the homestead exclusion for veterans with a disability Dec. 31


How to apply

Applications and forms

Change of primary residence

Homestead credit property tax refund

Manufactured homes homestead classification

Homestead abatements