Homestead Frequently Asked Questions

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What happened to the homestead credit?

The market value homestead credit was eliminated during the 2011 Minnesota legislative session. However, qualifying homeowners will still receive a tax benefit through the 'homestead exclusionimplemented in its place.

The main difference between the 'credit' and the 'exclusion' is the way it's calculated. The homestead application and qualifying process remain unchanged. As a result, new homestead applicants will fill out the same homestead application for the exclusion as they would have for the credit. If your property was already receiving the credit before the legislative change, you do not need to re-apply for the exclusion. 

Do any of my relatives qualify if they live in the property?

A qualifying relative for homestead purposes depends on the type of property. For residential property, a qualifying relative can be a parent, child, stepchild, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepparent, parent-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew or niece.   

  • This relationship may be by blood or marriage.
  • For agricultural property, a qualifying relative can be a child, grandchild or parent of the owner or a child or grandchild of the spouse of the owner.
  • For homesteading purposes, a spouse is not a relative.

Do I have to apply for homestead in person?

No. You can mail in your application and documents. Please make sure to complete the application in full for all qualifying occupants listed.

Will I receive a confirmation of my homestead application?

No. Check both your next tax statement/value notice and proposed tax notice to verify the homestead status. You should verify these notices each year. Please allow three to four weeks for processing. You may also contact us to verify your homestead status by calling 651-266-2040 or emailing

What else do I need to file for homestead?

If you are a new homeowner, you need to submit a copy of your deed and electronic Certificate of Real Estate Value (eCRV). You should have received these from your title company at your closing.

How often must I file?

Once, unless any of the information on your original application changes. Examples include marriage, divorce, address or name change, trusts, death and life estates.

Do I need to tell anyone if I move or sell my house?

You must notify the assessor, in writing, within 30 days of selling your property or changing your primary residence. If you fail to notify the assessor within 30 days, you will be required to pay the tax due on the property based on its property class, plus a penalty equal to the same amount.

Change of information form

Do I have to give you my social security number?

State law requires the Social Security numbers and signatures of occupants and spouses on the homestead application. If there is not enough space on the application for all signatures and Social Security numbers, please complete as many homestead applications as necessary.

Do you give my social security number to anyone else?

Social Security numbers are private data protected under the Minnesota Data Privacy Act. Under state law, the assessor may give Social Security numbers to the Minnesota Department of Revenue or other federal, state or local taxing authorities to determine whether you and the property owner have applied for homestead classification for other properties in the state.

Does my application get rejected if there’s an error?

Not automatically; it depends on the error. Issues can often be resolved by email or the daytime phone number listed on your application.

Is the previous address required?

Yes – If this is the first time you are filing a homestead application or adding an additional owner, the new owner's previous address within the past five years must be listed.

No – If you are an existing owner and are filing due to a name change, change in marital status or to remove an owner, the previous address information does not apply. Simply fill in the same address as your property address or write "same as above."

What if I have a separate parking space or storage locker that goes with my homestead property? Does that qualify for a homestead exclusion?

Yes. Be sure to include the property identification number or legal description of the property associated with your living unit on your homestead application. It is eligible to receive the value exclusion also.

Example: You own a condominium with a detached garage and they have separate legal descriptions. Both qualify for the value exclusion.

Do I qualify for the Homestead Credit Refund (for homeowners)?

Only owner/occupants of homestead property are eligible for the State Property Tax Refund. Relative Homesteads are not eligible for the refund or the renter's rebate. See the Minnesota Department of Revenue website for eligibility requirements.