Fri-Yay! Animal Architects with Harriet Alexander Nature Center

Date: April 4, 2025
10:30-11:15 a.m.
Location: Ramsey County Library-Roseville

2180 North Hamline Ave
Roseville Minnesota 55113

Building or Facility 
Library Locations
Ages: Preschool

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Full Description

It’s another Fri-yay! party at Ramsey County Library-Roseville!

The Harriet Alexander Nature Center is on hand to explore with us how animals build homes and other structures like build nests and tunnels, plus meet an ambassador animal friend! 

Join us at Rasmey County Library-Roseville every Friday at 10:30 a.m. for a fun event featuring local performers, special storytimes, community helpers, arts activities, and more. This program is geared towards children ages 2-5 years. 

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