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Help improve snow removal

This winter, Ramsey County is committed to maintaining its 293-mile network of county roads, including clearing snow and ice.

You can help our team of over 30 snowplow operators work more efficiently and effectively by following these important guidelines:

  • Stay back at least 100 feet and never pass on the right.
  • Avoid blind spots and sudden lane changes around plows.
  • Give plows plenty of room to operate and clear the roads.
  • Drive cautiously; ice can be invisible.
  • Avoid travel during heavy snowfall or icy conditions when possible.
  • Keep kids away from snow banks or forts near roadways; plows cannot see them.
  • Keep cans off the road; plow drivers may not see or avoid them.
  • Ensure mailboxes are sturdy and in good condition to prevent damage from snow drifts.
  • Expect some snow left across driveways as part of plowing.
  • Eliminating windrows completely isn’t possible; we empathize with the inconvenience.

Stay informed by knowing your city’s snow emergency rules, and remember to be patient and courteous during winter road conditions. For the latest updates on winter weather and road conditions, follow us on X and Facebook. Stay safe this season.

Posted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - 7:42 a.m.