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Join Operation Green Light for Veterans November 6-12

Five county buildings will be illuminated green from November 6-12 as part of Operation Green Light for Veterans. The county also invites residents and businesses to join in this nationwide effort to shine a light of hope and support for veterans.

The Courthouse, Landmark Center, 90 West Plato, the Law Enforcement Center and Union Depot will have green lights to honor the approximately 23,500 veterans and their family members who call the county home. This is the second year of Operation Green Light, led by the National Association of Counties (NACo), and designed to raise awareness around the unique challenges faced by veterans and the resources available at the county, state, and federal levels to assist veterans and their families.

Counties and residents across the country are sharing their participation on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight. For more information on Operation Green Light, visit

Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 9:50 a.m.