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Public Health seeks community partners for 2024-25 Trusted Messenger Initiative grants

Trusted Messenger Public Health Initiative web graphic with a collage of people smiling and in healthcare settings

Saint Paul — Ramsey County Public Health is looking for local community organizations to be a part of the Trusted Messenger Initiative. Public Health is offering a new round of grants to support innovative activities, programs and community engagement initiatives that improve public health outcomes in racially and ethnically diverse communities. 

Approximately 10 grants, up to $36,000 each, will be awarded to support work by local organizations through June 30, 2025. Applications are due Aug. 12, 2024, by 4 p.m., Central Standard Time. 

Information sessions

Two information sessions  will be offered via Zoom for organizations interested in applying for these grants:

For a link to the information sessions, or to learn more about eligibility, focus, and the criteria of these grants, or an application form, visit the Trusted Messenger Initiative Grant Solicitation page at

Posted on Monday, July 15, 2024 - 3:04 p.m.