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Reduce your wasted food: Take the Stop Food Waste Challenge

About one-third of the food put in organics recycling is leftovers or unspoiled food that could have been eaten. Join the Stop Food Waste Challenge to learn better strategies for buying food you’ll eat and eating the food you buy. This will help you minimize the volume of wasted food your household produces, keep edible food out of your organics bin and save money!

About the Stop Food Waste Challenge

The Stop Food Waste Challenge is a month-long effort starting Aug. 1 to help you notice when you are wasting food, commit to actions that will have the greatest impact in your household, connect you with helpful resources, and provide support and motivation along the way. Businesses, organizations and community groups can also join the challenge as Stop Food Waste Challenge partners.

The challenge runs during the month of August 2024.

Join the challenge now

Posted on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 2:04 p.m.