Adult Foster Care Licensing

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Ramsey County licenses, monitors and supports foster homes for vulnerable adults who cannot live independently due to physical, emotional, developmental or mental health concerns. Home providers can provide up to 24-hour supervision for one to four residents (five if caring for elderly residents). Residents receive meals, support, supervision and some assistance with personal care and living skills as needed.

Placement options are available in group homes as well as traditional homes where the provider lives in the home and is the primary caregiver.

  • Traditional: The foster care provider lives in the residence and is the primary caregiver to clients in the home.
  • Veteran adult foster care: The home has supports for people who have served in one of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  • Corporate: The foster care home is operated by a corporation with shift staff delivering services to clients.


Application process


Clients and payments

Corporate foster care
