Adult Foster Care Licensing
Ramsey County licenses, monitors and supports foster homes for vulnerable adults who cannot live independently due to physical, emotional, developmental or mental health concerns. Home providers can provide up to 24-hour supervision for one to four residents (five if caring for elderly residents). Residents receive meals, support, supervision and some assistance with personal care and living skills as needed.
Placement options are available in group homes as well as traditional homes where the provider lives in the home and is the primary caregiver.
- Traditional: The foster care provider lives in the residence and is the primary caregiver to clients in the home.
- Veteran adult foster care: The home has supports for people who have served in one of the U.S. Armed Forces.
- Corporate: The foster care home is operated by a corporation with shift staff delivering services to clients.
The foster care license applicants must meet the following minimum standards:
- The applicant’s proposed foster care home must be in Ramsey County and meet the fire safety code.
- The applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
- All members of the proposed foster care home who are at least 13 years old must pass a criminal and social service background check.
- The applicant must provide a physician's statement that they are physically and mentally able to care for vulnerable adults in his or her home.
- The applicant must provide three positive references from non-relatives.
- The applicant’s proposed foster care home must have bedroom space for each resident.
- The applicant must complete a home study session with the licensor and meet annual training requirements.
Each licensed foster care is assigned a Ramsey County licensor who ensures:
- All aspects of state and county licensing mandates and policies are followed.
- The home is physically and emotionally safe for the clients.
- Providers are kept informed of changes in licensing mandates and policies.
- The county provides information and education concerning the provider's site.
- Providers are required to attend training events.
- Providers are supported in providing a safe and supportive environment.
Application process
No informational meetings in 2025
Due to a high number of openings in existing homes, new applications will not be accepted, and informational meetings will not be held in 2025. A waitlist of new applicants will not be managed at this time.
The application process generally takes four to six months. Paperwork and required training takes 45 – 90 days. Time can be shorter or longer depending on completion of the first four steps. Status of case will be reviewed at 120 days from date of receipt of application. Your case will be assigned to a licensing social worker when all paperwork and documentation is completed.
The applicant must:
- Contact the licensing intake worker at 651-266-4258.
- Attend an information meeting and two orientation sessions.
- Complete the intake packet you received after the second orientation session.
- Complete an intake interview with a county representative in your home.
- Complete a DHS background study and receive a clearance letter.
- Have a Fire Marshal conduct an inspection in your home.
- Be assigned to a licensing social worker who will schedule two home visits.
The social worker has 20 days to make a recommendation to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for licensing. DHS makes the final licensing decision.
Mandatory training in vulnerable adult laws and first aid are offered every year. A variety of other training seminars are held from September through April, with summer trainings announced as they occur. If you want to schedule a training, or if you have questions about the trainings, call 651-266-4255.
- Each adult foster care provider is expected to attend 12 hours of training annually in the first five years of operation.
- Foster care providers licensed for more than five years are required to attend at least six hours of training a year.
Clients and payments
Ramsey County cannot guarantee that you will have clients or how many you will have. You must market your home and be flexible in the type of clients you are willing to serve. Clients may have mental or physical health issues, developmental issues or be elderly.
Traditional providers receive a monthly minimum room and board payment set by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Residents medical and dental costs are covered through Medical Assistance or other insurance the residents may have. A Difficulty of Care (DOC) rating may be set based on the required level of care. The payment may be a combination of the client's pension, Social Security income, Social Security Disability and Group Residential Housing (GRH) funds. Residents who have the financial resources to pay can negotiate a fee with the provider.
Corporate foster care
Ramsey County issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) when we need new corporate foster care sites that are able to provide specific services. A provider is then selected via this process and the Intake Worker is contacted by the planner to initiate the application process.
- Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota
- Minnesota Foster Care Rules
- Minnesota Foster Care Association
- National Foster Parent Association
- Ramsey County Adult Protection
- Ramsey County Adult Foster Care Provider Support Group (Contact 651-266-4255 to get involved)
- Ramsey County Foster Care Association (Contact 651-636-1702 to get involved)