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New Voters
If you are a new voter, what do you need to know?
Voter eligibility
To vote in Minnesota, you must be:
- A U.S. citizen.
- At least 18 years old on Election Day.
- A resident of Minnesota for 20 days.
- Not currently incarcerated for a conviction of a felony offense (updated 2023).
- Not under guardianship status in which a judge has removed your right to vote.
Individuals can be fined or jailed if they register or vote and are not eligible.
How do I register to vote?
Before you vote, you must be registered to vote with your current name and at your current address. It is best to register before Election Day, but it is not required. To register on Election Day, you must show proof of identification and residence.
What's on my ballot?
See the candidates and questions that will be on your ballot.
Where do I vote?
Find out where you vote. Polling places in Ramsey County are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Do I need to bring ID?
If your voter registration is current and active, you do not need to bring identification. If you need to register or update your registration, or you have not voted in four years or more, you will need to show proof of residence before you vote.
Time off to vote
- You have a right to take time off work to vote without losing your pay, personal leave or vacation time in all state and federal elections, and all regularly scheduled local elections.
- Your employer must pay you for the time you need to vote if it falls within your scheduled work time. Your employer cannot require you to use personal leave or vacation time.
- Your employer cannot directly or indirectly refuse, limit or interfere with this right, including what time you choose to vote.
- Your employer can ask when you will be gone and request that employees coordinate their absences to minimize workplace disruptions.
- Take only as much time as you need to vote, then return to work.
Vote early with an absentee ballot
You can vote early in person starting 46 days before Election Day or you can apply to have an absentee ballot sent to you in the mail.
Going abroad?
As an overseas voter, you can have an absentee ballot emailed to you wherever you are in the world and return it through post mail.