Thank you for viewing our previous presentations.
Opioid Response Initiative (January 30)
Learn about the partnerships and programs that make up the Opioid Response Initiative. The Initiative is funded in part by Minnesota’s settlement with opioid companies.
COVID, RSV and Flu (October 25)
Learn more about the updated vaccine, the recent spike in COVID-19 nationally and other common respiratory diseases this time of year.
Ramsey County Food Security Assessment (August 23)
Learn how Ramsey County facilitated a Food Security Needs Assessment using qualitative and quantitative data to address their role in supporting greater food security.
The History and Present Status of the HIV Epidemic (June 21)
Learn about the origins of HIV, the history of the epidemic up to the present, the evolution of treatment and prevention options, and how poverty, racism and stigma remain major obstacles to ending AIDS.
Climate Change + Public Health (April 19)
Learn about the health impacts of climate change in Minnesota, how we determine community vulnerability to these impacts, which communities are considered higher risk and what Ramsey County is doing to address these health impacts.
Clinic 555 Services (April 6)
Learn about sexual and reproductive health and harm reduction services for adults and teens available at Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health’s Clinic 555.
- Video (Passcode: 8A%TYJKh)