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About Active Living Ramsey Communities
Launched in 2004, Active Living Ramsey Communities is an initiative designed to encourage and support active living by creating and promoting environments where people can be physically active in their daily routines.
The coalition is led by co-chairs Mary Jo McGuire, Ramsey County District 2 Commissioner, and Peter Lindstrom, a member of the Metropolitan Council. The group is comprised of and supported by community and community leaders, health organizations, city, county and schools, and Ramsey County residents.
View a list of coalition partners.
What is Active Living?
Active Living refers to changing the built environment to inspire behavioral change and create opportunities for physical activity that are practical and enjoyable. Active Living considers design, partnerships, programs and physical projects that encourage walking, biking, taking the stairs, and using recreational facilities. The goal is to help more people meet the recommendations of physical activity at least five times a week.
Active Living Ramsey Communities improves health through community engagement.
We promote and create environments that make it safe and easy for everyone to integrate physical activity into their daily routine.
To improve the physical health and safety of Ramsey County residents.
- Transform systems.
- Identify policy.
- Enhancing built environment.
- Engage communities.