Transformative Community Initiatives

(Re)Imagining Justice for Youth
(Re)Imagining Justice for Youth provides community-based accountability while helping youth learn and grow.

Decreasing Non-Public-Safety Traffic Stops
Decreasing non-public-safety traffic stops builds community trust and refocuses limited resources on more dangerous driving behavior.

Combatting Sex Trafficking
A victim-centered approach helps victims sold for sex and also helps identify and prosecute exploiters and traffickers.

Sexual Assault Justice
Victim-centered efforts change how we respond to survivors of sexual assault.

Officer-Involved Fatalities Toolkit
A toolkit for prosecutors and communities to prevent and improve responses to officer-involved fatalities.
Officer-involved shooting incident reviews

Reducing Gun Violence
Extreme Risk Protection Orders ("Red Flag" laws) improve personal safety by removing firearms in certain situations.
Promoting gun safety improves personal safety through gun locks, education and gun safety measures.

Advancing Pre-Trial Justice
Second Chance Diversion is a voluntary program available for justice-involved people facing some charges.
Bail reform to improve our pretrial system by prioritizing community well-being, safety and reducing reliance on cash bail.

Advancing Post-Conviction Justice
Learn about how we strive to ensure justice after a conviction, in partnership with our courts and state attorney general's office, by helping seal records of those who qualify, reviewing past sentences to make sure they are just and reviewing claims of innocence to determine whether people were wrongfully convicted.