All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan

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A woman is cycling down a city street with buses in the background.
Photo by Paul Krueger CC BY 2.0

Ramsey County is developing a long-range plan to guide transportation projects. Our goal is a safe, accessible, equitable and connected transportation system for people of all ages and abilities.

We now invite you to read the final draft before we present it to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners for approval. Send us your feedback by April 30 at [email protected] or 651-266-7100.

All-Abilities Transportation Plan Summary (PDF)

Our collaborative process

County staff and community members began this project in 2023. By listening to residents, local leaders, and experts, we gained valuable insights into how transportation is used today and what people want for the future. We’ve included this feedback—quotes, data, and insights—in the plan and in reports we’ve shared along the way. Those reports are available on the timeline below.

Throughout this process, we aim to be:

  • Community-focused: We’ve gathered over 1,500 comments from residents, as well as city, county, and township officials.
  • Data-driven: We prioritize work by analyzing data for safety, equity, multi-modal use, maintenance and current conditions.
  • Up-to-date: We commit to regularly revising the plan to meet changing needs and circumstances.





  • Project prioritization.
  • Review draft plan.
  • Phase four of community engagement.