Responsible for administering/coordinating/facilitating supportive services to individuals and families in need of housing and matching them to available housing and supports
Eviction/Homelessness prevention.
Unsheltered outreach coordination with a focus on reducing homelessness disparities, especially impacting BIPOC communities.
Shelter operations and coordination.
Coordinated entry and placement into supportive and permanent housing.
Partnering with community-based providers to create housing referrals and placements.
Intradepartmental and community partnerships to foster wraparound and rapid-rehousing service model.
Working with partners to create a supportive housing system for placement of individuals and families.
Community & Economic Development department
Responsible for partnering with cities, developers and non-profits to provide affordable housing units to meet the needs of our communities.
Finance the construction and preservation of affordable housing.
Invest in affordable housing to increase energy efficiency and the rehabilitation of homes and units.
Create opportunities for homeownership (e.g. first-time home buyers loan program).
Assist cities in creating an environment that supports the construction and preservation of affordable housing.
Develop relationships with municipalities who lead market rate rentals and homeownership.