Pandemic Influenza
Pandemics occur when a disease spreads across several countries and affects many people. For a disease to be considered pandemic, it must be easily spread from person to person and cause serious illness, with the population having little or no immunity to it. An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a new flu virus that causes more illness and death than the seasonal flu.
- Fact sheet (PDF)
- Brochure insert (PDF)
- World Health Organization
- U.S. Depatment of Health and Human Services
- Minnesota Department of Health
Disease pandemics have happened thoughout human history. Influenza pandemics develop naturally and have occurred three times in the past 100 years, including the "Spanish Flu" of 1918, the "Asian Flu" of 1956 and the "Hong Kong Flu" of 1968.
Are you interested in learning more about The Great Influenza of 1918-1919? Check out Ramsey County Library's Book Club in a Bag to get 10 copies of the book, details about the author, discussion questions and bookmarks.
All types of flu spread through "droplet transmission," which means the flu virus can travel in sneezes, and can be found on all surfaces – like doorknobs and keyboards – that may have been touched by sick people. Stop the spread of the flu by washing your hands with soap and water, covering your cough and staying home if you are sick. In the event of an influenza pandemic, people may be asked to practice "social distancing." Methods of social distancing may include: staying at home for an extended period of time, avoiding crowds, not taking public transportation and limiting trips to stores.
- Healthy habits (PDF)
- Hand hygiene
Vaccine availabilty
The type of flu that will cause an influenza pandemic cannot be predicted, and so there is no reliable way to develop a vaccine that will protect people. When a flu strain is identified, scientists will develop a vaccine as quickly as possible.
Community impact
An influenza pandemic could cause severe illness and death, interrupting normal daily activities at work, home and in schools. Churches and schools may be closed during times of illness in your community. There will be intense pressure on government and medical services to stop the spread of disease. Hospitals and clinics may be able to provide care only to the most seriously ill, so many sick people will need to be cared for at home. We don't know how many communities and individuals will be affected by an outbreak of pandemic influenza.
Public health preparation
- Training health care volunteers in the Medical Reserve Corps.
- Meeting with community groups to educate on public health preparedness.
- Developing educational materials and community tool kits.
- Practicing mass dispensing of available medicine or vaccine.
- Staff training.
- Developing partnerships with community organizations, private health care providers and public safety officials.
- Establishing agreements with the Red Cross to provide shelters.
How you can prepare
In the event of an influenza pandemic, you may be asked to stay home for a few weeks.
- Gather and store two weeks of food, water and personal care items for you and your family.
- Update emergency contact cards with recent medical information.
- Read preparedness resources and materials.
- Watch TPT Now for health and safety updates produced by Twin Cities Public Television in partnership with health and safety agencies.
Become trained with the Medical Reserve Corps, so you can help your community respond to a health crisis.