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Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Public health emergency preparedness involves coordination, planning and communication with our community to understand public health threats. From food-borne illnesses to chemical spills and natural disasters, Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is preparing to respond to all types of events with a human health impact.
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Working to keep residents safe
In some health emergencies, Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health may need to dispense medicines to our residents through a Point of Dispensing (POD). We will also share accurate, up-to-date information about the emergency. Our staff is trained to respond to public health emergencies, alongside state and local partners.
Medicine centers
A pandemic or measles outbreak are two examples of diseases that could prompt Saint Paul–Ramsey County Public Health to set up what is called a point of dispensing site (POD). A POD is an efficient way to quickly dispense medication or administer vaccine to our community. Medicine dispensed in response to a local, state or national emergency is free.
Purpose of a POD
When a disease outbreak occurs in a community, the private health care system is busy taking care of those who are most ill. The public health department helps doctors in clinics and hospitals by dispensing medicine to healthy people to prevent illness. Public health will provide information about when and where to report to a POD on our website, via social media, radio, television and newspaper.
What to bring to a POD
To pick up free medicine for yourself and your family during a public health emergency, you will need to bring:
1. A list of current medical conditions and allergies.
2. A current list of medicines you take.
POD PreCheck: Online Screening Tool
The Minnesota Department of Health has developed an online screening tool for residents to complete prior to arriving at a medicine center. This screening tool is designed to help you identify the best medicine to keep you and your loved ones healthy during a widespread anthrax emergency.
This screening tool is also available to download and print (PDF):
Community partnerships
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is working with community partners to support closed point of dispensing (POD) sites that could be used during a public health emergency. Closed PODs play an important role in an emergency that requires quick distribution of medication to our residents.
Learn more about community partnerships
Resources and materials
All materials are available to download in PDF format. Print materials are available for use in the community and can be ordered by calling 651-266-2400.
Emergencies Happen
Introduces how to Prepare.Practice.Participate. for a public health emergency.
Topic specific inserts (below) can be placed inside this brochure.
Influenza (flu) Pandemics
Information about Influenza Pandemics and how they spread.
Stay-at-home Supplies
A list of important supplies to keep in your home in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Assistance Card
A card to fill in important phone numbers and medical information.
Healthy Habits
Information about how to stay safe from many infectious diseases.
Safe Food Handling
Guidance on how to prepare food in a safe environment to prevent sickness.
Fact sheets
Influenza (flu) Pandemics
Information about how Influenza spreads and what a pandemic might look like in our communities.
Other languages
Emergency preparedness resources and materials are also available in:
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
The Medical Reserve Corps of Ramsey County (RCMRC) is a countywide resource consisting of health professionals and other volunteers who strengthen our community by preparing for and responding to public health and related emergencies.