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21st Century Parks Vision Implementation
As the county’s population increases and becomes more racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse, gaps are increasing between users and the recreational facilities and services that Parks & Recreation offers.
To meet changing community needs and interests, Parks & Recreation developed a new vision for its parks and recreation system, implemented in 2021: A dynamic, community-centered system that provides opportunities for our ever-changing community to engage with inclusive and welcoming parks and recreation sites and programming.
Residents and current users helped inform what this realized vision would look like. Their guidance will help shape budgeting, planning and community engagement efforts over the next decade.
The 21st century parks vision implementation project built upon county-wide goals and strategic priorities.
Engagement objectives
- Gather perspectives on stakeholders’ vision of our facilities, programs and services if we have accomplished our 21st century objectives.
- Build and strengthen relationships between county residents and Parks & Recreation facilities, programs and services.
- Work with partners on multiple fronts to reach the full spectrum of stakeholders and engage them authentically.
- Provide baseline information on Ramsey County Parks & Recreation facilities, programs and services.
Level of engagement
Using the International Association for Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation, the level of engagement for this project was Involve, with the following goal and promise:
- Goal: Work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure that public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered.
- Promise: We will work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
Community engagement
Key stakeholders for this project are primarily the wide range of current users of Parks & Recreation lands, facilities, programs and services, and whose access is direct or through a permit, contract or partner.
An online survey was available through June 4, 2021 and 1,924 responses were obtained.
Community conversations
Community conversations were held with stakeholders, with special focus on communities traditionally experiencing barriers, including people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, indigenous communities and children and youth.
Virtual meetings were held with the general public and with Ramsey County staff.
Review the analysis of results from virtual and online engagements.
View final results (PDF)
The full compilation of all feedback is available upon request by emailing Parks & Recreation.
Video overview
View a five-minute overview of the Ramsey County parks and recreation system.