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Public Health Department Plans
Planning Healthy Ramsey
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health’s work is guided by several department plans.
Strategic Plan
The strategic plan provides guidance on department priorities, policies, activities, community partnerships and resource allocation. The planning process included input from the department staff, elected officials, key county stakeholders and the community.
- 2019-2022 Strategic Plan (PDF)
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
This CHIP was developed through sharing of Community Health Assessment findings and various community and partner engagement activities. These engagements and prioritization exercises emphasized community priorities for action: racial equity, healthy food, active living, access to health care, mental health, violence prevention, homelessness and housing instability, climate change and opioid crisis and response. The CHIP occurs at least once every five years and required of local public health departments.
Community Health Assessment
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health coordinates the collection and analysis of health-related information that identifies community health trends and concerns that can be addressed through public health interventions. A comprehensive community health assessment report is then created with input from community partners.
Solid Waste Management Plan
The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved the recently updated Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan will next be evaluated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The solid waste management plan is updated every six years. This update will be finalized once the MPCA approves.
Health Equity Plan & Data Analysis
The Health Equity Plan provides a framework that includes resources for Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health to advance health equity, understanding how to use an equity lens and connecting health equity to staff roles and responsibilities. The Health Equity Data Analysis (HEDA) is a tool for analyzing health disparities in communities and will continue to be edited and updated. Advancing health equity is the attainment of the highest level of health possible for people of all ages and backgrounds in Ramsey County.
Healthy Aging - A Public Health Framework
Understanding and adapting to the needs of older adults is imperative in light of recent and ongoing demographic changes. The Saint Paul – Ramsey County Healthy Aging Framework examines how to support healthy and vital aging in the community. The plan is grounded in public health principles, and examines disparities that affect health. It includes information about older adults in the county. The document outlines next steps for the county in encouraging healthy aging and provides guidance for addressing their needs. It was developed with input from multiple community organizations and individuals.
Quality Improvement Plan
Quality improvement in public health is the use of a deliberate and defined improvement process. The department’s plan refers to a continuous and ongoing effort to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, outcomes, and other indicators of quality in services or processes which achieve equity and improve the health of the community.
Workforce Development Plan
Effective public health practice requires a well prepared workforce. The department’s plan ensures a competent workforce through the assessment of staff competencies, the provision of individual training and professional development, and the provision of a supportive work environment.
Comprehensive Plans - A guide to improving health in Ramsey County
A guide developed to help planners, community members, city administrators and other decision makers include health in the development of comprehensive plans and in future planning. This document will suggest healthy living language to add into comprehensive plans, specifically focused on healthy eating, active living and tobacco free living.