Some county systems and services are experiencing technical issues, if you are trying to call the County Crisis number please call 911 and your call will be redirected to us.
The Administration Division coordinates all functions of the Sheriff’s Office and supports operations by providing resources, direction, policy and leadership. We provide training, administrative and financial resources, equipment and community services.
Contract Negotiations & Labor Relations
The Sheriff’s Office works closely with the Labor Relations Division of Human Resources to negotiate and administer the collective bargaining agreements between the county and the union representatives and members. The Sheriff’s Office also works closely with union representatives on labor relations, including bargaining, unit determination, policy development, and grievance resolution.
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) promotes the emotional well-being of all employees and their families by providing a variety of services. Confidential services include individual counseling, family counseling, stress management, trauma counseling, critical incident debriefing, work place issue counseling, crisis response, and professional concerns. The EAP Peer Support Program offers informal, confidential assistance via specifically trained colleagues.
Office of Information and Technology
The Office of Information and Technology supports, develops and manages all technology, and also supports research and evaluation efforts. Through the strategic management of resources and information systems, this office commits to creating solutions that improve services through technology.
The Office of Information and Technology has three primary functions:
Technical Services
Supporting computer hardware, software, networking and infrastructure needs by providing technical services, support, security, training and troubleshooting services.
Research and Development
Working with Sheriff’s Office staff, the county’s Information Services Department, other agencies and organizations and vendors to increase information sharing, develop applications and produce timely, accurate and reliable information, reports and systems.
Technology Project Management
Providing guidance and management for technology projects and development efforts by collaborating with Sheriff’s Office staff and partners and providing training on best practices in project management.
Office of Planning and Analysis
The Office of Planning and Analysis oversees several administrative and strategic functions of the Sheriff's Office, including:
- Finance and budget services, such as developing and preparing the annual budget, managing the five-year capital improvement program, processing accounts payable and receivable, and producing financial reports.
- Human resources and payroll, including maintaining personnel records, processing payroll, answering employees' questions about benefits, and working with hiring managers during the hiring process.
- Grant and contract management, such as seeking, securing, implementing and reporting grant funding, and managing governing and related documentation and agreements (memorandum of understandings, joint powers of agreement, request for board actions, requests for proposals, etc.).
- Planning and policy analysis, including performance measures, strategic planning, research and analysis, and managing new and emerging department initiatives.
Office of Professional Standards
The Office of Professional Standards develops and implements policies and procedures, works closely with policy makers and administers three units: the Internal Affairs Unit, the Property and Fleet Management Unit and Gun Permit Unit.
By identifying and making recommendations for improvements that affect operations, the Office of Professional Standards remains committed to maintaining the highest professional standards and the integrity of the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office.
Internal Affairs Unit
The Internal Affairs (IA) Unit provides a full, fair and complete investigation to address concerns about the actions of Sheriff’s Office employees by investigating complaints and allegations of misconduct, improper job performance or violations of policy, procedure and/or federal or state law.
Training and Staff Development Unit
The Training and Staff Development Unit develops and implements all department training. Sheriff’s Office staff continually receive training on topics such as firearms, use of force, emergency vehicle operations, emergency medical treatment, officer safety, crisis intervention, regional response and other topics as needed by assignment.
The Sheriff’s Office is accredited by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, which allows us to approve and sponsor continuing education opportunities. The East Metro Firearms Range, available for all law enforcement agencies in Ramsey and Washington counties, is managed by the Training and Staff Development Unit.
Background Investigations Unit
The Background Investigations Unit administers pre-employment testing and conducts background investigations. This unit supports the recruitment, selection, hiring and promotion of staff based on character and competence, helping to ensure that professional men and women are selected to serve Ramsey County after a thorough background investigation.