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Crime Prevention
The Ramsey County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit works closely with community members, organizations and businesses to prevent and reduce crime and victimization through a wide variety of community policing, crime prevention and public education programs. By engaging and working with neighborhoods, this unit ensures our community remains a safe place to live and work.
The Crime Prevention Unit also seeks to proactively anticipate and recognize criminal activity and initiates programs designed to eliminate or reduce crime.
Prevention tip sheets, cards, and brochures:
Auto Theft & Carjacking Prevention Tips (pdf)
Civil Unrest Preparation for Businesses (pdf)
Identity Theft brochure (pdf)
Theft from vehicles (pdf)
Burglary prevention (pdf)
Fraud alert (pdf)
Phone Scam alert (pdf)
Ten things you can do to avoid fraud (pdf)
Mail theft and check fraud (pdf)
Home Safety 2-2017 (pdf)
Cyber Safety 11-2017 (pdf)