Clinic 555 in the Community

Contact us
Clinic 555 CareVan banner

The Clinic 555 mobile CareVan is bringing health and wellness into communities that don’t have easy access to health care services. The goal is to expand reproductive and other public health services to underserved communities.


  • Screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV, Hepatitis C.
  • Providing safer sex products. 
  • Telehealth or in-person visits with Nurse Practitioners for sexual health exams, PrEP, STI, Hepatitis C treatment and birth control.
  • Providing harm reduction supplies (naloxone and syringe exchange for safer use).

Find us in your neighborhood

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April 24

Clinic 555 will be partnering with Recovery Cafe Frogtown and the CareVan will be onsite providing:

  • Pregnancy testing.
  • Reproductive health services.
  • Screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV and Hepatitis C.
  • Safer sex products.
  • Harm reduction supplies (naloxone and syringe exchange for safer use).

Stop by and visit us from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Recovery Cafe Frogtown
499 Charles Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55103


May 22

Clinic 555 will be partnering with Recovery Cafe Frogtown and the CareVan will be onsite providing:

  • Pregnancy testing.
  • Reproductive health services.
  • Screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV and Hepatitis C.
  • Safer sex products.
  • Harm reduction supplies (naloxone and syringe exchange for safer use).

Stop by and visit us from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Recovery Cafe Frogtown
499 Charles Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55103


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Partner with the CareVan

Interested in having the mobile CareVan attend your next community event?
Do you have clients that could benefit from the CareVan visiting your location every month?

Request the CareVan

Community partnerships

Past community events

In the news

The Clinic 555 mobile CareVan was funded by the Title X Telehealth grant.