Cultural Media Pilot Program

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Nroog Ramsey tab tom pib lub khoos kas kev tshaj tawm xov xwm fab kab lis kev cai ua hom lus tshiab txhawm rau tuam choj rau cov kis khoob fab kev sib txuas lus hauv peb lub zej zog uas muaj ntau hom neeg, ntau haiv neeg, thiab ntau yam kab lis kev cai.
Kev koom tes nrog 3HmongTV - uas yog ib lub tuam txhab tshaj xov xwm muaj suab nrov npe uas tau tshaj tawm cov xov xwm hauv zej zog uas ntseeg siab tau rau lub zej zog Hmoob los tau ntau dua 20 xyoo lawm - Ramsey yuav qhib ib tshooj ua kev sim uas muaj cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv Lub Nroog los ua cov qhua uas caw tuaj muab cov lus qhia paub txog cov hauj lwm uas lawv tab tom ua los pab cuam lub zej zog, cov xov xwm thiab cov kev pib ua yam tshiab, suav nrog rau cov peev txheej thiab cov kev pab cuam tsim nuj muaj nqis uas yuav muaj txiaj ntsig rau lub zej zog Hmoob.
Tshooj tshiab no hu ua “Nyob Zoo Ramsey County (Nyob Zoo Nroog Ramsey)” yuav tso tawm hauv Facebook thiab YouTube nyob rau Hnub Wednesday thib ib thiab thib peb thaum 1 teev tav su dua, uas yuav tso tawm thawj zaug nyob rau Lub Kaum Hli Ntuj Tim 2.
Peb zoo siab tos txais peb lub zej zog Hmoob los nug cov lus nug, muab lus xam pom, thiab koom nrog kev sib tham!
Ramsey County is launching a new in-language cultural media program aimed to bridge communication gaps between the county and our racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse community.
We're partnering with 3HmongTV, a media company that's delivered credible community news to the Hmong community for more than 20 years. This pilot show features county employees as guests who will share valuable resources and services that may benefit the Hmong community.
This new show, called “Nyob Zoo Ramsey County,” live streams on Facebook and YouTube on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 1 p.m.
We welcome our Hmong community to ask questions, comment and engage in the conversation!
The county recognizes the Ramsey County community is very diverse. This is a part of what makes Ramsey County so rich and vibrant! We expect to learn a lot with this pilot and our hope is to take our learnings and expand this program to other languages in the future.

Tham txog qhov Green Ramsey Expo & Career Fair
Lub Ob Hlis Hnub 19 | 27 minutes
Nyob Zoo Ramsey County tham txog qhov Green Ramsey Expo & Career Fair nrog Workforce Solutions thiab Environmental Health.
Saib no: YouTube | Saib no: Facebook
A conversation about the Green Ramsey Expo & Career Fair
February 19 | 27 minutes
Nyob Zoo Ramsey County talks about the Green Ramsey Expo & Career Fair with the department of Workforce Solutions and the division of Environmental Health.