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Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan Resources
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Local municipal plans
- City of Maplewood Living Streets Policy
- Lauderdale Parks and Open Space Plan
- Maplewood Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan
- North St. Paul Living Streets Plan
- Roseville Pathway Master Plan
- St. Paul Bicycle Plan
- St. Paul Complete Streets Plan and Street Design Manual
- St. Paul Safe Routes to School Policy Plan
- St. Paul Great River Passage Master Plan
- White Bear Lake Parks Trails and Open Space Plan
Corridor plans and reports
- I-694 Crossing Study
- Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Alternative Transportation Implementation Plan
- Snelling Avenue Multi-Modal Transportation Plan
Health impact assessments
Transit plans
Ramsey County plans and reports
- Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Planning & Projects
- Ramsey County All Abilities Transportation Network
- Ramsey County Pedestrian and Bicycle Fatality and Serious Injury Study
- Ramsey County Transportation Improvement Program
Regional plans
- 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections to Transit Infrastructure Study
- Lake Links Regional Trail Plan
- Met Council Regional Bicycle System Study
- Met Council Choice, Place and Opportunity: An Equity Assessment of the Twin Cities Region
- Met Council 2040 Transportation Policy Plan
Statewide plans and reports
- I-35E MnPASS
- Minnesota Towards Zero Deaths Initiative
- MnDOT Complete Streets Plan, Policy, and Tech Memo
- MnDOT Statewide Bicycle System Plan
- MnDOT Statewide Bicycle Planning Study
- MnDOT Statewide Pedestrian System Plan – Minnesota Walks
- Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections to Transit Infrastructure Study