Parks & Trails - Ramsey County 2040

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Key themes

  • Implement the 2018 Parks System Plan and conduct master plans for individual parks.
  • Focus will be on redevelopment of parks rather than new, large parks.
  • Increase access to parks by foot, mobility device, bicycle and public transit.
  • Develop and implement countywide Solar Energy Plan.
  • Expand and extend the regional trail network.
  • Manage the diversity and quantity of our natural resources to support key wildlife habitat.
  • Continue to measure park system metrics and compare benchmarks to similar-sized systems.
  • Create a system-wide network of volunteers.
  • Park programming and facilities will adapt to remain relevant to increasingly diverse population.
  • Continue to evaluate arena and golf systems.
  • Create a non-profit foundation to support mission of parks system.
  • Prioritize multimodal transportation and support active living, including bicycling and walking.