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Rice-Larpenteur Gateway Area
The Rice-Larpenteur Vision Plan is a collaborative effort of the cities of Maplewood, Roseville and Saint Paul, and Ramsey County. The Vision Plan includes a strategy to manage future growth of the Rice-Larpenteur Gateway Area in a manner that improves connectivity and accessibility within the corridor, and creates an attractive destination with strong businesses, vibrant neighborhoods and beautiful places.
A Gateway Area Planning Committee comprised of staff and elected officials from the cities of Maplewood, Roseville and Saint Paul, and staff from Ramsey County, along with a Citizens Advisory Group comprised of residents, property/business owners and community advocates met regularly over an 11-month period in 2017/2018. Together, they created the Rice-Larpenteur Vision Plan, which was approved by each of the cities and endorsed by Ramsey County in 2018.
In March 2019, the Gateway Area Planning Committee hired the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce to staff the new Rice-Larpenteur Gateway Alliance and manage implementation of the Rice-Larpenteur Vision Plan. Next steps include convening and staffing the Interim Alliance, building and supporting a Long-Term Alliance, actively seeking economic development opportunities, leading the development of a multi-year funding strategy, and supporting vibrant community events and placemaking initiatives.